
Kirsten Hodges
(912) 585-7497

Modern Ideas. Unique Styles. Beautiful Images.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

30 weeks pregnant

I am currently 30 weeks pregnant….wow….each day I still find myself amazed at this fact. Each day we get closer to having our “real” baby here. It’s still hard to really understand how she is already alive and living inside of me. I can feel her kick and turn over all throughout the day…but it’s still a concept that blows my mind away. Last night, Travis and I found ourselves sitting in the nursery looking at all we’ve done to get ready for her and talking about what we still need to get and/or do. I cherish those moments spent with him just talking about our past and dreaming about the future. God has brought the two of us through a lot and He continues to take us through this life that is ever-changing and sometimes hard to figure out and understand. I am so thankful for this path I get to walk down and I could not imagine my life without Travis. It seems like just yesterday I was watching him walk up to me for the very first time and pull up a chair beside me in the Gordon College cafeteria and here we are a little over 6 years later talking about our little girl. I am still blown away by the sight of Travis walking up to me….he still takes my breath away. I’m more in love with him now than ever and thinking about him becoming the father to our little girl brings tears to my eyes. Love…it really is a powerful thing. I know God has blessed me tremendously!

I’m feeling Kylin kick and move now more than ever. She has definitely been active! Sometimes at night I feel her kick so hard it hurts…but the uncomfortableness is bearable because it’s nice to know she’s there and doing alright. We went to the doctor this past Monday and everything is looking great. I’ve been so lucky to remain fairly healthy throughout this pregnancy. I can’t believe the pregnancy part is quickly coming to an end. I have to say even though I am beyond excited to have her here with us…I am scared about what is to come. I question if I’ll be not just a good mother, but an amazing mother! I want to be the best for her! I get scared about the labor and delivery aspect and hope and pray everything turns out alright. I wonder if Travis and I will know just what to do with her when she does get here. I know though that there is no way we could ever be fully prepared for a new baby…we’ll just do the best we can. Until she gets here, I’ll just keep cherishing these moments spent dreaming about what she’ll be like and what it will feel like holding my little newborn.


Erin said...

i know exactly what you're feeling....right after jackson was born, it was just surreal. i was like...this thing just came out of me!! you will be a wonderful mother! there's no doubt in my mind. i'll be praying for you guys. 10 weeks to go!!! :)

Jaynah said...

I can't believe you are 30 weeks!! It feels like just yesterday you were calling me to tell me the good news! Can't wait to meet the little princess!!